e-PDF to Image Converter helps you convert PDF to image and set image resolution through command line on Windows platforms.
e-PDF to Image Converter is a great application that enables Windows users to generate various image files, e.g., JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, TGA etc. from normal PDF files, encrypted PDF files singly or in batches. To freely get e-PDF to Image Converter here, please click on download icon below:
After you download package of e-PDF to Image Converter, please extract its content to your computer, then e-PDF to Image Converter could be used in your computer later. Here are steps to use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to image file and set images resolution through commands:
Step1. Run cmd.exe in your computer
Running cmd.exe helps you open running environment of commands of Windows systems:
Click Start > select Run > input cmd.exe > click ok, then a window named Command Prompt could pop on your screen.
Step2. Input commands in Command Prompt window
Examples for you to refer to:
D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –r 400 C:\in\source1.pdf C:\out\target1.bmp
D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –xres 300 –yres 220 C:\in\source2.pdf C:\out\target2.tif
(note: -r <int>: edit resolution for both X and Y, in DPI (default is 150), -xres <int>: set x resolution, in DPI (default is 150), -yres <int>: set y resolution, in DPI (default is 150))
You can copy and paste one of commands examples above into your own Command Prompt, then change related directories in Command Prompt, finally, to make e-PDF to Image Converter process mission, please click enter in Command Prompt window directly. Later on, objective image files with specified resolution can be added into targeting folder automatically.
Is it very easy to use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to image file and set images resolution with commands? Right, so here, if you want to experience this software, please download free package of e-PDF to Image Converter.