How to convert PDF to image(BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG) with specific page size?

To convert PDF to image with specific page size, e.g., BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG etc., e-PDF to Image Converter could be your best choice, which is a professional tool for Windows users to convert PDF file to image file variously and flawlessly.

e-PDF To Image Converter is a standalone program and does not require third-party software. e-PDF to Image Converter allows you to produce multiple formats of images, e.g., GIF, TGA, PCX, PNM, RAS, PBM, etc. besides BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG. However, “it is easier said than done”, so why not have a try on e-PDF to Image Converter right now?

Here, to know how to use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to image file with specific pages sizes, e.g., BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG etc., please read the following paragraphs.

1. Open Command Prompt window

Command Prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems, so before conversion from PDF file to image file with specific pages size starts, please open it in your computer firstly:

Click hotkey Windows + R > input cmd.exe > click ok, then Command Prompt window runs directly on screen.

2. Understand usage of e-PDF to Image Converter

pdf2img.exe [options] <PDF-file> <img-file>


  • pdf2img.exe : indicates that it is essential to run e-PDF to Image Converter to type path of “pdf2img.exe”
  • [options] : indicates that you can optionally type parameters to edit related properties of image files
  • <PDF-file> : indicates that you need to type path of source PDF file in order to add it
  • <img-file> : indicates that you need to input targeting path of image file for saving them


3. Refer to commands examples to input commands in Command Prompt window


D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –w 980 –h 860 C:\in1.pdf C:\out1.tga

D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –w 1080 –h 689 C:\in2.pdf C:\out2.gif

D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –w 200 –h 100 C:\in3.pdf C:\example.jpg

(note: -w <int>: set image width, unit is pixel, -h <int>: set image height, unit is pixel)

In commands examples above, you can tell that pages size could be adjusted through page width and height flexibly. At last, after you finish all typing in Command Prompt window, please click enter there so that e-PDF to Image Converter starts to convert PDF file to image file with specific pages size, and a few seconds later, targeting image files with specific pages size are added into destination folder directly. Here is example JPG image for you to refer to in effect aspect:

 Example JPG image after converting PDF to image with specific page size Fig. Example JPG image after converting PDF file to image file with specific pages size

If you experience e-PDF to Image Converter by yourself, you can be amazed by its smart ability and processing speed of converting PDF file to image file with specific pages size through commandsetc.. So just do not hesitate to try e-PDF to Image Converter:

Download e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF to image

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