How to convert PDF to JPG and make JPG sharper?

e-PDF to Image Converter is able to convert PDF to JPG and make JPG sharper than before through command line and parameter.

Sometimes we are trapped in JPG poor quality of PDF file, then when we convert PDF file to JPG file, produced JPG file is a little blur. However, since e-PDF to Image Converter has been designed, this kind of problems could be solved professionally than you can ever expect. To know more details about how to use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to JPG file and make JPG sharper, please read the following paragraphs.

Step1. Download e-PDF to Image Converter here

Please click following icon so that package of e-PDF to Image Converter could be downloaded. Then, you need to extract its content to your computer so that e-PDF to Image Converter can be freely tried by you later.

Download e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF to JPG

Step2. Open Command Prompt window

Click Windows + R > input cmd.exe or cmd in pop dialog box > click ok, then Command Prompt window – running environment of commands could be opened directly.

Step3. Input commands in opened Command Prompt window

To use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to JPG file and make JPG sharper, you may need to refer to following commands example:

D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –quality 89 C:\in\source1.pdf C:\out\target1.jpg


-quality 89: edit JPEG quality for higher quality than before, you can set integer value from 0 to 100. The bigger integer value here set is, the sharper JPEG file is, the bigger JPEG file size is. 

After you type commands and parameter as shown above in Command Prompt window, please click enter in Command Prompt so that e-PDF to Image Converter starts to convert PDF file to JPG file and you can find JPG file is sharper than original PDF file. To get e-PDF to Image Converter for a trial by yourself, please download trial version of e-PDF to Image Converter.

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