How to convert Word/Excel/PowerPoint/PDF to color/black and white image with command line

This article enables you to know how to use e-PDF Document Converter to convert Word to image, Excel to image, PowerPoint to image or PDF to image of color/black and white

e-PDF Document Converter is a professional tool enabling you to convert Word/PowerPoint/Excel/PDF file to image files through GUI and command line flexibly. And in the following paragraphs, you will know how to use command line to realize our related process instantly and flexibly:

Step1. Download and Install

First, just download installer of e-PDF Document Converter, and then, double-click this installer to install software in your computer, most importantly, along with GUI version installed, command line version is installed in your computer directly, whose executive file “doc2pdf.exe” that could be called for later process, is located in installation folder.

Step2. Open Command Prompt

Command line needs a running environment, so for Windows platforms, we need to run cmd.exe to open Command Prompt directly. After it pops on screen, you can follow next steps to realize conversion.

Step3. Input command line and parameters to convert Word/PDF/PowerPoint/Excel file to black and white/color image files

In opened Command Prompt, you can refer to following usage and command line examples to accomplish your process:


doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]

CMD examples

doc2pdf.exe -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.tif -b 1

doc2pdf.exe -i C:\in.doc -o C:\out.jpg -b 24


doc2pdf.exe: call executive file “doc2pdf.exe” to run software

-i C:\in.pdf/doc: specify source PDF file or Word file, also, file type could be PowerPoint, Excel, etc. supported source formats

-o C:\out.tif/jpg: specify targeting TIF or JPG file

-b <int>: specify color type for output file

-b 1: output black and white image file

-b 24: output True Colors image file

Finally, you can click enter in Command Prompt to make e-PDF Document Converter to convert PDF/PowerPoint/Word/Excel file to color/black and white image files. Then, targeting image files can be added into specific destination folder directly.

When you finish conversion from Word/Excel/PDF/PowerPoint file to black and white/color image files, if you want to remove watermarks from image files, welcome to use full version of e-PDF Document Converter directly.

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