This article would like to tell you how to use e-PDF to Image Converter to batch convert PDF to black and white/color/grayscale image in specific size on Windows platforms.
Want to know main processing tool here? Just experience e-PDF to Image Converter by yourself from today and from here! Then, want to know how to use this tool to batch convert PDF to image of black and white/color/grayscale in specific size? Just follow me in the next paragraphs.
Step1. Create BAT file
Open a notepad file in your computer, and then, save this notepad file as .bat file directly. And then, you can follow steps below to step by step batch convert PDF files in various properties.
Step2. Type command line and parameters in created BAT file
In created BAT file, you can refer to following examples to type your own command line and parameters firstly:
pdf2img.exe –mono –w 890 –h 1000 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe –gray –w 1200 –h 898 C:\in.pdf C:\out.gif
pdf2img.exe –w 1110 –h 788 C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
where you may need to know parameters:
- -w <int> : set image width, unit is pixel
- -h <int> : set image height, unit is pixel
- -mono : generate a monochrome image file
- -gray : generate a grayscale image file
where directories:
- pdf2img.exe: call executive file “pdf2img.exe”
- C:\in.pdf: specify source PDF file to convert
- C:\out.tif/gif/png: specify targeting image file of TIF/GIF/PNG, also it could be another supported image file extension
PS: if you do not set grayscale/black and white mode of image, default setting based on image is colorful mode.
And you need to know that command line examples like above could be typed in your created BAT file one time, after you change directories and parameters values.
Step3. Batch convert PDF to black and white/color/grayscale image in specific size
After all basic work is done in created BAT file, just save command line and parameters typed just now there, and then close this BAT file directly. To make software process task here, just double-click shortcut of this BAT file, and then, after e-PDF to Image Converter helps you batch convert PDF to black and white/color/grayscale image in specific page size, and if you check destination folder, you will find targeting image files located there.
Is your process smooth in your computer? Anyway, please do not hesitate to let us know through comments here, if you encounter some problems. And for full version software to utilize in your conversion, please feel free to buy e-PDF to Image Converter.