e-PDF to Image Converter allows Windows users to convert PDF to TIFF and set multipage TIFF with command line flexibly, professionally and quickly.
TIFF file or TIF file can contain multiple pages in one file, so this kind of file provides us with much convenience to read sometimes. Thus, it is essential to produce multiple pages TIFF file. With e-PDF to Image Converter, it is not hard to convert PDF file to multipage TIF file with commands. So if you want to own this simple-to-operate software right now, please click following icon for free trial version of e-PDF to Image Converter.
After your download above, to freely use e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF to multipage TIFF with commands, please follow steps below:
1. Open Command Prompt window
It is elementary to run Command Prompt window – running environment of commands in Windows systems to run commands conversion firstly:
Click Windows + R hotkey, then Run dialog box could be opened on screen. And you need to input cmd or cmd.exe in it and click ok so that Command Prompt window pops out automatically.
2. Input commands
To type your own commands in Command Prompt window, please refer to following examples:
D:\pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe –multipage C:\in\original.pdf C:\out\original.tif
(note: –multipage is parameter to create multipage TIFF file)
When you finish inputting commands like above, you need to click enter in order to make e-PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to TIFF file and create multipage TIF file directly.
By now, please do not hesitate to try e-PDF to Image Converter here. And if you meet some questions during converting PDF file to TIFF file and create multipage TIF file, welcome to drop your comments here.