If you need to convert PDF to TXT and generate BAK file of PDF and TXT, please use e-PDF to Text Converter to convert PDF file to TXT file with generated BAK file of PDF and TXT on Windows platforms.
e-PDF to TXT Converter is able to help Windows users singly or batch convert PDF files to TXT files. And moreover, this tool enables you to monitor directories of input and output to produce BAK files of TXT and PDF instantly. To know how to produce BAK file of PDF and TXT with GUI interface, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs:
Step1. Install trial version software in your computer
Firstly, you need to download installer of e-PDF to Text Converter, and then, double-click this installer to follow setup wizard to install trial version software in your computer directly.
Step2. Set monitor directory and output directory for BAK files of PDF and TXT
After trial software installed in your computer, please open GUI interface and click File on toolbar > select Monitor A Special Directory on dropdown list so that another panel as shown in picture below could be popped above GUI interface. And then, you need to click Add directly > type source directory and targeting directory in edit-boxes Monitor Directory and Output Directory. Optionally, to delete original image files after conversion, please click check-box Delete original image file(s) after conversion; to modify source directory and output directory, please click source or targeting directory in processing form, and then, click Modify to change them directly with final click on OK
Step3. Generate BAK files of PDF and TXT
And then, click Ok there in order to save and produce BAK files of added PDF files and TXT files, and then, you can get BAK files in output directory you set. Then, if you need to get source PDF and TXT files back on your computer, just remove file extension .bak directly and then, PDF files and TXT files can be recalled as you expect.
Finally, after you know how to convert PDF files to TXT files and generate BAK files of PDF and TXT with GUI interface, if you need to use full version software, please buy e-PDF to Text Converter online.